17 de septiembre de 2010

Articles: a, an, the or... nothing!

El uso de los artículos A, AN, y THE en inglés suele acarrear algunos incovenientes, ya que depende de si la palabra siguiente comienza con una vocal o un sustantivo. Esta semana les ofrecemos este cuestionario para testear el correcto uso de los artículos.

Buena semana para todos!
Profesores del CUI

Click the answer button to see the answer.
  1. Albert Einstein was ___ famous scientist.
    a. a
    b. an
    c. the
    d. X [Nothing]
  2. Einstein was born in ___ Germany in 1879.
    a. a
    b. an
    c. the
    d. X [Nothing]
  3. Einstein won ___ Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.
    a. a
    b. an
    c. the
    d. X [Nothing]
  4. Einstein left his country and lived in ___ States until he died in 1955.
    a. a
    b. an
    c. the
    d. X [Nothing]
  5. Einstein is known for his theory of ___ relativity.
    a. a
    b. an
    c. the
    d. X [Nothing]
  6. Roentgen was ___ German physicist who discovered x-rays, revolutionizing medical diagnosis.
    a. a
    b. an
    c. the
    d. X [Nothing]
  7. Roentgen won ___ 1901 Nobel Prize.
    a. a
    b. an
    c. the
    d. X [Nothing]
  8. Mandela was born in ___ South Africa.
    a. a
    b. an
    c. the
    d. X [Nothing]
  9. Mandela was ___ first President elected in ___ South Africa after ___ Apartheid was revoked.
    a. a / the / the
    b. the / X / X
    c. a / X / the
    d. the / the / the
  10. Mandela was imprisoned for ___ nearly 30 years for his anti-apartheid activities.
    a. a
    b. an
    c. the
    d. X [Nothing]
  11. Mother Teresa was ___ Roman Catholic nun.
    a. a
    b. an
    c. the
    d. X [Nothing]
  12. Mother Teresa became famous for her hard work with ___ poor.
    a. a
    b. an
    c. the
    d. X [Nothing]
  13. She was ___ founder of ___ order of nuns called the Missionaries of Charity.
    a. a / an
    b. a / X
    c. the / X [Nothing]
    d. the / an
  14. Mother Teresa lived in ___ Calcutta, India.
    a. a
    b. an
    c. the
    d. X [Nothing]
  15. Mother Teresa received ___ her Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.
    a. a
    b. an
    c. the
    d. X [Nothing]
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